Friday, October 5, 2012

What about Jack?

The following is the train of thought within a state of mindnumbing boredom.....

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

"All play and no work makes Jack a lazy boy."

Why can't Jack just work and play sometimes, you know? Couldn't Jack work on something he thought was fun?  Or couldn't Jack go out on weekends or something? Why are we all casting judgement on poor Jack anyway? Do we know what kind of relationship he had with his parents? What if he has no parents. Poor Jack.  What if Jack works all the time to find his parents and didn't turn up anything?  Who are we to question Jack's motives for working all the time or playing all the time?  We don't know Jack well enough.   In fact, how many of us have actually met Jack?  What if jack thinks we're the dull ones! O_O What if Jack is actually the one with the upper hand.  What if we are all oblivious to something that Jack is fully in tune with......Ever thought about that?  Why don't we enlighten ourselves and be a friend of Jack?  Maybe Jack needs a friend.....or maybe he doesn't.  We don't know.  Fact is....nobody cared to ask Jack.  Poor Jack.  He must be so secure in himself to not care that some people call him dull and others call him lazy.  He probably thinks we're all crazy....and we sit here (or stand) calling him names.

Poor Jack.  He has to live and listen to us make up stories of him and Jill getting water from a well and busting his head when he was coming home.  He probably feels like the world just makes up stories about him so that they can have something to talk about.  I mean, seriously, where do we get off telling our kids about Jack going up a hill with Jill to get water.  Like, can't a guy go to a well with a girl?  Why does the whole world have to know that he busted his head and Jill fell down too.  Nobody said what happened to Jill.  It was all about Jack and how he bust his head open.  Nothing about Jill.  Jack just lives a life of constant criticism.  I feel sorry for him.  Maybe one day the world will leave him alone and start talking about Jill or John or Bob. Nobody ever talks about Bob.  Maybe one day people will stop talking about people in general and just start talking about love, God, food, their dog - or nothing at all.  Maybe. One day.  Someday.

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