Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Little Cousins

As the eldest of four kids and neighbour to my aunt, I spent a lot of time with my little cousins, Gelzy, Mamita and Bidinky.  They feel a lot more like siblings, actually - only better because you can give them back!  I bathed them, changed them, put them to sleep, burped them; just like I did my own little brothers. In fact, Mamita used to wake up at 6:00 am, get out of her crib, walk out her front door, walk through the gate to our yard, walk up our front porch, bang on the door and yell at the top of her lungs: "FAHLEESYAH!" *bang* *bang* *bang* "FAHLEESYAH!".  My mom would open the door, Mamita would march through the living room and into my bedroom, climb on my bed and snuggle with me. That memory always makes me smile.

Gelzy (L) and Mamita (R)
For countless times I stayed over to babysit while my Uncle and Aunt went on date nights.  It was fun.
 Everything's more fun in someone else's house when you're 15.

Anyway, these little cousins of mine had very strange, noteworthy habits to keep in mind.  Mamita, for instance, started the night off sleeping parallel to me, on the left,  then perpendicular to me; for a while her foot would be in my face or positioned so that it's dislocating my liver. Somehow, in the morning, she'd end up on the right side of me, parallel.  I never got much rest on those babysitting nights. :)

This was a regular thing until I started University and my little sister (who wasn't so little by that time) took over.

One weekend, Bidinky (the littlest cousin), decided she missed me enough to sleep over at my house.  I had to wake up at 3:00am to take the bus that left for the West at 4:00am.  We went to bed around 9:00.  I didn't get much rest but I learned that Bidinky's sleeping habits surpassed those of her older sister.

Lee Bidinky
Bidinky was two, and small.  I had a double bed.  All night, I was squished in the most uncomfortable position in the furthest corner of my bed.  Bidinky was all over the place.  Mamita moves around you....Bidinky chases you away.

When I would drift into some kind of REM cycle, I'd wake up with a jolt to Bidinky yelling: "Gimme, da mines!"   "Da my ball, Randy!"   "GIMME! DA MINES!"

Translation?  Best I could figure was that she was dreaming that Mamita had her ball and she wanted it back.  Same dream for a few hours.  Same crisis.  Randy. Ball. Gimme.

3:00am came.  I was no more rested than I was when I went to bed.  Bidinky was still asleep when I left.  But that's another one of those memories that I remember with a smile.

Those kiddos. When I think of them, I always remember them as little and  I'm surprised at how much they've grown every time I see them.  Gelzy is getting closer and closer to High School, Mamita just had her Confirmation and Bidinky's once chubby cheeks aren't so chubby anymore.  They're growing up but they will always be my little baby cousins. ♥

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Imagine Blank

I wrote the following when I was sick a couple weeks ago.  It's a trip into my train of thought.  I thought it would be interesting to write things down as fast as I could think them.  I'm sure I missed a few of the rabbit trails but I got the main trails down I think.  ~Fel

- - - - - - - -  •  ♥  •  - - - - - - - -
Imagine what?
Imagine blank.
I imagine blank.  Hmm. Also the name of one of my new favourite YouTube channels.
I don't know what to do.
I don't know where I'm going.
I just know that I'm here..
Right now.  And right now this is what's in my brain....

  • I am sick. *cough* *cough*
  • I wish I had written all the things that I daydreamed about blogging when I was daydreaming about them.
  • I miss my cat.
  • I have a new cat.  He is cute and I will enjoy getting to understand his little kitty brain.
  • I'm scared to raise kids in a place where the school budget ain't got no money for computer lessons but there's millions for the roads.
  • I'm thankful for a wonderful husband who takes care of me even when I won't take care of myself.
  • I'm thankful for the few friends I have because they are real.  None of that fake stuff you can buy with cool clothes and superficial smiles.
  • I'm thankful for my mother who taught me to do everything.
  • I'm thankful for my daddy who taught me about Jesus. He actually talked about Him....
  • Jesus. Why are you so cool?  Really.  "Love your enemies" You make it sound so simple.  
  • I wish my head didn't hurt.
  • I wish Eve didn't eat that apple or banana or whatever it was....
  • I'm glad I'm a girl....even if it's hard sometimes.
  • Husband and I are gonna have some damn cute babies.  That's a smile worthy note right there.
  • Oh My Word!  I hope I don't screw up my kids! Note to self: Write down all the wisdom of parenthood that you know now because it'll all go through the window when the kids come and you'll need to remind yourself that you knew how to do this once....You won't believe it's you....but I'm telling you now, future Fel....that you were that brilliant.  
  • I hate diseases. Diseases suck.  Stupid flu virus.
  • Lee Blacky looks like a stuffed animal.  He's so cute.
  • Under-wire is such a two faced fiend.  Holds the girls up but damn....must you stab me in the side like that!? Sheesh!
  • Randy's confirmation. March 9th.  Remember that.
  • *cough* 
  • Expo.  Oh. Mein. Expo. Are my jeans clean?  I'll need jeans...
  • Jeans...Genes....I wonder if I have red hair genes.  How do hair genes work anyway?  Black person with tough hair, with parents with tough hair probably only has tough hair genes but if you mix him/her with anything else, you get soft, delicious curls...every time.  Even if you mix them with someone else with straight long as it's not another black'll be curly hair.  Does that really happen every time?  Is that a scientific fact?  I should google that.  (owwww. Head. Hurts.) maybe later.
  • Excitement.  You adrenaline provoked emotion.  You are a tease.  Don't tease me when I am ill.
  • "Leonard! I'm Sick!" ............. "Leonard! My comforter fell down and my sinuses hurt when I bend over!" "Leonard!"   (If you get this reference, we could be best friends!)
  • Ha. I'm typing as fast as I can talk out loud.  I wish I could type as fast as I could think. Right now is a good time for that.  Thinking is slooooooooooooooooooooooooww. Haha.  That's funny. What's funny. Who's funny? or Whose funny? Who's.
  • I'm hungry.
And there you have it folks.  Five minutes into my brain.  Maybe it was ten minutes.  But I just needed to write something.  Plus, it's interesting to see thoughts develop from nothing.  The human mind is a weird place and I do believe that is how it was designed to be.   A bunch of goo with no real compartments yet it has the capacity to dream and imagine.  What's in your imagination?  What do you daydream about?  Rainbows, Unicorns, a better world?